Property Rewires

Our services include full and partial rewires of older properties. We’re an approved electrical contractor, so you’re in safe hands for this important and sometimes large-scale domestic project.

Do I need a rewire?

If a property hasn’t been rewired within the last 25-30 years, the chances are it will need to be upgraded – at least in part, in order to bring it up to current standards and enable it to cope with modern living.

You should be able to tell if a house has been rewired recently by inspecting parts of the wiring, and by the consumer unit (fuse box). If it’s an old-fashioned style unit with rewireable fuses, it’s likely to need a complete rewire.

We’re able to test and inspect your property to find out exactly what work is required. We can also talk you through how to plan a rewire and be honest about the disruption – rewiring a property is messy work, so it’s helpful to be able to understand all the steps before we start work.

Our electricians are well presented, professional and courteous when working inside your home. Providing the highest level of customer service and ensuring that we produce the desired outcome on time and within budget, is something we take pride in. Clarkson Electrical Solutions Ltd are also Part P electrical safety approved – this means that any electrical work in the home will be correctly designed and installed to protect against fire and electric shocks.

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